Do’nt just do something, sit there!

Thich Nhat Hanh
Kindness Mindfulness Peace
Kindly, attentive and calmly trough the day. 
Our orientation aid.
RAIN, Recognize, Allow, Investigate, Nurture. Recognize what is lot / root of knowledge. Allow, allow, "It's so now" / basis of love. Investigate with kindness / deepen understanding and compassion. Grow, the newly discovered path / liberation from preconceived, narrowed views.

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”

Viktor E. Frankl, a neurologist, psychologist and Holocaust survivor. Unfortunately it wasn’t him…
Serenity Prayer 
May I have the serenity, To accept what cannot be changed, The courage to change what is possible and wisdom to know the difference.

Sen Meditation

Loka Dhamma 
Profit - loss 
Worship - contempt 
Praise - Reproach 
Joy - suffering 
They are throwing us less and less back and forth ;)

Qi 気 ~ Bodyawareness

To come into silence. Unspectacular. Because wisdom lies in the inconspicuous. We remember what we actually already know.
A rediscovered silence. Every day anew.

The Five Intentions 
01 No killing 
02 No stealing 
03 No sexual misconduct 
04 Don't speak untruth 
05 No intoxicating agents 

Five Hinderances 
In meditation and practice! Please look at it with wisdom. We are still having fun :). We perceive anger, do not live it out, but investigate the cause and so on… 
01 Senselust 
02 Ill will 
03 Dullness 
04 Agitateness 
05 Doubt addiction

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